Wednesday, December 9, 2009

another boring day......

y holiday so boring 1??
my dad went 2 KL...
he go thr 4 meeting about the marking ...
so sad...
juz hate when my dad was nt at home...
cuz my mum wont let me on comp 1...
my dad very good de...
always ntg 2 time...
my dad will ask if i 1 2 play??
ofcuz say yes la...
without comp...
really very boring leh...
juz hate my mum...
always 1 us 2 read book nia...
a little bit freedom also don hav...
me read book until slp ki...
read book is so boring de...
whole day din touch tiok comp really cannot de...
so i go tou de laptop...
and play...
but tis laptop really cannot play fb de...
so slow 1...
so hard baru gt 2 play...
but so slow de...
so i ma on9 lo...
den chat v wan yee...
den ntg 2 do...
so find games 2 play lo...
i found a game...
long time no play liao...
sally's spa...
so nice...
but here de level so low nia...
still nid 2 play again...
so don feel like playing tat lo...
so i continue 2 find...
den i found another game...
sally's salon...
so ma start 2 play lo...
at last gt smth 2 do le...
nt so boring le...


  1. hmm..holidays very very boring 1.
    but some people very love holiday.
    dono y..
    always play yu mei's game 1 la u.
    haha..sally's spa n sally's salon..
    enjoy la..^^
    'nvm la..ur dad today cum back d.

  2. haha...
    very nice 2 play ma...
    my dad is back liao...
    so now no nid tou tou le...

  3. YYY!
    Y din update ur blog?
    gt trip hor?

  4. wad la sze wei...
    no go trip la tis holiday...
    book no hotel...
    but go on mac nx year...
    ntg 2 rite also...
    so ma din update lo...

  5. Jus wanna tell u tat i chgn blog adi cuz don wan let my bro in~! xx there jus same like last time d.. ps hor!
